Why I am starting this blog


I’ve been thinking and talking about starting a blog for years, and I’m so happy to be able to publish my first post on my very own website (after posting a few times on Medium). I’m so excited about my little space on the internet that I can customize to my needs and desires.

The main reason for my blogging procrastination was that I couldn’t think about the ONE topic I would write about. I am interested in so many different topics and you could call me a multi-hyphenate. So I’ve just accepted that fact, and I’m not going to limit myself to certain topics when I write.

Having already experienced the benefits of teaching others and learning a subject in a way that can be presented to others, I see the benefits of learning in public and this blog will be the foundation for that.

As per one of the quotes from Austin Kleons’ book Show Your Work, “Become a documentarian of what you do,” I want to use this blog to document and share my learning journey and thoughts. I will probably write about software engineering, but also life and travelling.

For content that is not time-bound (such as recommendations, etc.), I will continually adjust my Notes.