Harmonizing Memories: A Musical Journey Through Friends' Favorite Albums


In a world full of playlists and streaming services, it’s easy to get lost in the mass of mainstream hits. In search of a new musical perspective, I turned to my friends and asked them for their all-time favorite albums. What followed was a journey of discovery into the realms of different musical tastes.

The Playlist-Problem

I’ve found myself too often just listening to Spotify’s recommended playlists without knowing the artists the songs originated from. That’s so different from when I was younger. Back then, there was no streaming and I had to make do with radio hits, downloaded songs on my phone, and solid albums on CD (I don’t even own a device that can play CDs now). I knew a lot of songs by heart and had some artists I really liked.

Back in the now, I’m not really satisfied with my behavior of just listening to playlists without knowing anything about the background of the music. Artists put a lot of work into creating their albums, and it’s just too bad that individual songs are just left on a playlist somewhere without context. Often albums tell a whole story or the songs are related in some way that is forgotten when you stop listening to the whole album. Ultimately, I knew I wanted to listen to albums, and not just to playlists.

Getting Recommendations

Music is something that connects us to each other, and it’s very personal—everyone has different tastes. When looking for album recommendations, I asked my friends the simple question, “What’s your favorite album?” and I got very different suggestions.

After collecting all these recommendations, I immersed myself in this music for a week at a time. Week after week, I would listen to just one album from one of my friends. That’s all. This journey had several effects on me:

  • I felt deeply connected to my friends, because often it wasn’t the music I was listening to myself, but the music I associated exclusively with my friends.
  • I started to understand the story behind an album (although I can’t say that about every album).
  • I discovered some really beautiful music along the way :D

My Recommendations

I can only recommend to try this out yourself. Just ask your friends about their favourite 1-3 albums and listen to them for one week. You can start with some albums that I really like (I listen to different stuff from pop to classic).

If you happen to have any recommendation, I am super happy if you want to share it with me!